Server Team 20080409 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Thu Apr 10 15:07:50 UTC 2008


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with        
the irc logs here:        

==== Bug milestoned for hardy ====

mathiaz listed bugs related to the server team that are milestoned for hardy:
* Launchpad bug 213482 in openldap2.3 "Dapper to Hardy upgrade fails with
slapd" : issue with cyrus-sasl2. mvo fixed it.
* Launchpad bug 81242 in postfix "postfix-ldap is linked against gnuTLS":
lamont started to look into it.
* Launchpad bug 155947 in libnss-ldap "ldap config causes Ubuntu to hang at a
reboot" : kirkland and zul spent some time investigating this bug. However, no
one was able to reproduce it. It may be related to a feisty->gutsy->hardy
upgrade path. Most of the reporters are also unable to provide the needed
information. It was decided to stop spending time on this bug.
* Launchpad bug 189616 in dovecot "connection problems under load with hardy
dovecot": mathiaz was unable to reproduce the problem in his testing. He will
contact elmo to ask for more information about the configuration.
* Launchpad bug 199144 in apache2 "Apache2 with mpm_worker times out with many
concurrent requests": zul wasn't able to reproduce the bug. More information
from the reporter is needed.
* Launchpad bug 208419 in auth-client-config "Integrate samba password in PAM":
slangasek asked the opinion of the server team about adding libpam-smbpasswd to
the samba-server task. mathiaz and dendrobates gave a +1.
ACTION: mathiaz to update the samba-server seed.

==== RC/Final testing of server isos ====

mathiaz reminded everyone of the Hardy Release Schedule: RC should be available
in one week and Final in two weeks. That means a lot of iso testing will be
conducted in the next two weeks. Testing is coordinated on the isotesting
tracker [1]. Anyone interested in helping out should register on the tracker to
get notified about new isos available for testing.


sommer asked if sparc iso would be available for hardy. slangasek stated that
sparc was being moved to "ports" and was not a Canonical-supported release
anymore, including for server.

owh wondered if there are any specific testing requirements for ubuntu-server
isos. mathiaz pointed to the Server Install test cases [2]. This wiki page
outlines the process to test the ubuntu-server isos.


==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 16th at 21:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer

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