Server Team 20080402 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Wed Apr 2 22:37:31 UTC 2008


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with        
the irc logs here:        

==== status action in init script ====

owh wondered if it was useful to send patches that have already been written to
Debian, considering that Ubuntu will probably take another approach based on
upstart during the next release cycle. mathiaz suggested to send the patches
that are already written but not develop new ones. Debian maintainers will
decide whether to integrate them or not.

ACTION: owh to attach existing patches to bugs in LP and forward them to

kirkland added that he will be attending the Linux Summit in Austin, TX next
week and will go the LSB track.

==== Wiki pages on ====

sommer had a quick look at the list of wiki pages on He is
still focusing on pages related to samba and AD integration.

==== Review high priority bugs related to the Server Team ====

mathiaz didn't have time to compile a list of high-priority bugs affecting the
server team. zul has been going through bugs and milestoning relevant one for
hardy RC. mathiaz added that using a milestone is a good way to keep track of
the high-profile bugs.

soren wondered if bugs should be assigned to the ubuntu-server team. mathiaz
said no and they agreed that the best process is to assign bugs to individuals
but subscribe ubuntu-server to bugs that are related to the server team.

kirkland and zul are actively chasing an ldap hang on boot. nijaba mentioned an
bug in bash when upgrading from gutsy: the user is prompted to merge
bash_completion, even if the file hasn't changed.

==== Ubuntu Server bug contact ====

mathiaz asked if we should add a contact from the Server Team to the Contact
wiki page from the Bug squad [1]. owh asked if a mailing list (ubuntu-server-
bugs at would be enough. It wasn't clear what the purpose of
this page was.


ACTION: nijaba to talk with bdmurray about the BugSquad Contacts page.

==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 9th at 21:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer

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