ubuntu firewall spec

Mathias Gug mathiaz at ubuntu.com
Tue Oct 23 03:55:19 UTC 2007

Hi Dave,

On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 07:48:59AM +1000, Dave Kempe wrote:
> There is absolutely no point in reinventing the wheel.
> Just wanted to discuss before editing the wiki pages with an entirely 
> different direction.

The Specification is written to try to solve a problem. It may be worth
documenting how shorewall would address the concerns raised by the
specification or how shorewall should be modified to address them.

It's just a newly registered specification and is up for discussion at UDS.
It doesn't mean that a new tool will be develop. If shorewall can be
used to address the concerns, it's great (as it's already in main).


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