Dell PowerEdge 1900sc freezing overnight

Tom Bamford tom at
Tue Oct 9 01:56:39 UTC 2007

Ivan Krstić wrote:
> On Oct 8, 2007, at 8:45 AM, Tom Bamford wrote:
>> Being a multiprocessor system, will the 'noapic' or 'nolapic' options 
>> have any major side effects?
> No. There'll be a performance decrease in IRQ routing, but it should 
> negligible unless you're dealing with very high-load situations.
> -- 
> Ivan Krstić <krstic at> |

Many thanks for the advice. I will try those options as well and monitor 
the machine for awhile.

After adding the 'acpi=off' option I noticed a kernel message saying 
something along the lines of "MP-BIOS bug: timer not connected to 
IO-APIC" just after the "Starting up..." line. I'm not sure if this was 
showing before I changed the kernel params but it looks related, if not 
the same issue. I see the same entry in the kernel log and dmesg now I 
know what to look for.


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