Questions for server team

Joseph Guarino jguarino at
Wed Oct 3 14:35:52 UTC 2007

Hello Everyone,

  I am doing a presentation on Ubuntu Server at a local user group and
had some questions for the server group.  The focus of the presentation
is to highlight the server, canonical commercial support and the
Landscape offering.  

*Are the official server hardware vendors still Sun (Fire series) &
Systems76?  Are there plans for expanding these IHV relationships to any
other hardware vendors like IBM, Dell, HP, etc.?  

*What software packages for core network services fall under a generic
support contract?  I.e. what core software packages fall under a support
contract?  Samba, Sendmail, Bind, OpenLDAP?  Or does support really only
cover the OS alone?  

*Will the current relationship with commercial ISV's (Independent
Software Vendors) be expanded and if so to whom?  I am speaking in terms
of commercial software open or otherwise.

*What is the strategic direction of the server team in addressing bug #0
in the enterprise?  I have read all the information on this but I would
like to get an official response on the direction from a server angle.  

  These are concerns I have heard from potential customers so I would
like to address them and hopefully drive more sales/adoption.  Any help
you can give is so very appreciated.  =)  

P.s. Bravo on all of your great work on the server!  I owe you all a

Joseph Guarino
Evolutionary IT - Best Practice IT(tm)
888.404.5074 (Office)
617.953.9514 (Mobile)

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