some new ubotu factoids useful in #ubuntu-server

Neal McBurnett neal at
Tue Nov 27 15:48:00 UTC 2007

Here (finally :-) for your review are some proposals for new ubotu
factoids for use in #ubuntu-server, as promissed in the server

Missing factoids:
 * mail-server - Ubuntu provides mail client and mail server software off all kinds.  See "mua" (Mail User Agent), "mta" (Mail Transfer Agent), and "mda" (Mail Delivery Agent) for more information.
 * mua is an abbreviation for Mail User Agent.  Examples include evolution, thunderbird and mutt.  They are alternatives to programs like Windows Outlook.  See also "mta" and "mda".
 * mta is an abbreviation for Mail Transfer Agent.  postfix is the default MTA for Ubuntu, and exim is also officially supported.  See also "mua" and "mda".
 * mda is an abbreviation for Mail Delivery Agent.  dovecot is the default MDA for Ubuntu, and it can deliver mail via imap and pop.
 * imap is a protocol for reading email.  The officially-supported imap server in Ubuntu is dovecot.
 * pop is a protocol for reading email.  The officially-supported pop server in Ubuntu is dovecot
 * nic is an abbreviation for Network Interface Card.  See for help detecting cards and getting the right kernel driver module.
 * ntp is an abbreviation for Network Time Protocol. Ubuntu uses it via the ntp package to keep clocks in sync.

There are a few more on the roadmap but this is a good start.

Neal McBurnett       

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