Shrinking consumed diskspace

Soren Hansen sh at
Tue May 29 11:43:42 UTC 2007

On Tue, May 29, 2007 at 12:00:39PM +0200, Anders Häggström wrote:
> > > I have now shrinked the serverinstallation of Feisty down to aprox
> > > 350MB. My keywords so far is to swich to a server-kernel, to be
> > > able to remove Xorg-dependencies, and removing documentation.
> >
> > Huh?
> >
> > 1. Standard server installation is already at around 350MB.
> > 2. Server kernel *is* default on server installations.
> > 3. The installed kernel has *nothing* to do with whether or not you can remove
> > Xorg, which by the way is not even installed on a server installation.
> >
> > > I also found out that you should not use apt-get, as it does not keep
> > > track of dependencies.
> >
> > Er.. Yes, it does.
> >
> 1. No
> 2. No
> 3. Maby I was using bad english. What I meant was the nVidia
> graphicsdriver and those stuff that is only useful to Xorg but is a
> dependecy for the generic-kernel because it is a kernel module.

I'm looking now at a fresh feisty server installation. I've run one (1)
command after rebooting: 'apt-get clean'. I now have a total space
consumption of 362796 kB which is 354 MB. The kernel is

> This is not what I experienced when installing it.  My installation
> was ~650MB after the installation, with a generic-kernel and I didn't
> get a choise to install the server-kernel during the installation.

I don't know what you did, but my fresh feisty server installation is
very different fro that. You should report a bug.

> I also have some laptop-specific packages installed such as
> wpasuplicant and wireless-tools that is dependencies to ubuntu-minimal
> but does not belong in a server enviroment.

One could argue that. One could also argue that it's more important from
a things-should-just-work perspective that if someone is unlucky enough
to only have wifi access from his/her server, we shouldn't rob him/her
of his/her only way of connecting to the network.

> And if I look into the kernel config there is more stuff that is
> laptop/desktop-specific, like CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY (if that isn't used
> for UPSes but I don't believe so), CONFIG_ACPI_DOCK and
> cardbus/pcmcia/pccard and irda/bluetooth.  Maby neccesay in some
> servers, but I doubt it common.

You need to realise that "server" does not necessarily mean huge,
expensive things with only fancy RAID cards and so on. It just means an
no-desktop installation. If people need to use some sort of bluetooth
device, they shouldn't be forced to install a complete desktop. It's a
perfectly valid use case.

Also, since you're spending so much time getting rid of those last 12MB,
I'm guessing YOUR server is not a big, several thousand euro machine

> To Ante Karamatić, do you really think it's helpful to shout for a lot
> of false statements and don't describe what you mean? You don't think
> I'm lying, do you?

To be perfectly honest, I'd be hesitant of accusing others of shouting
random things if I were you. Case in point: apt-get not handling
> To Soren Hansen, if the serverinstallation was 350MB with a
> server-kernel as standard this discussion about shrinking it shouldn't
> have started, don't you think?

Indeed, but how would you expect me to stop the discussion before you
even started it?

| Soren Hansen    | Linux2Go                  | |
| Seniorkonsulent | Lindholmsvej 42, 2. TH    | +45 46 90 26 42     |
| sh at  | 9400 Norresundby, Denmark | GPG key: E8BDA4E3   |
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