How do I change the booting order of services?

Anders Häggström hagge.ubuntu at
Mon May 28 15:15:20 UTC 2007

2007/5/28, Kristian Hermansen <kristian.hermansen at>:
> On 5/28/07, " Anders H?ggstr?m " <hagge.ubuntu at> wrote:
> > Where do I change the bootorder of services that are starting in a
> > correct way in Ubuntu Feisty Fawn?
> In the standard init process, for each runlevel, you have an
> /etc/rc?.d directory, where '?' is the runlevel.  Inside, scripts
> starting with an 'S' are called in numerical on the START of that init
> level.  'K' scripts are called in numerical order on switching out of
> that run level.
Yes, that's how we normally do. But I'm not sure Upstart use that
model. Well it works, I have tried it, but I don't think it's the
correct way of doing it in Ubuntu/Upstart.

> > Where do I fin detaild information about the booing procedure?
> > And how do I change the default runlevel?
> You should be reading the documentation found here:
I have tried to look at the documentation, but I cant find detaild
information about the starting process and what it do, or which files
to edit to change the default way Upstart works.

> > The normal way is to edit /etc/initrc and change the name/number of
> > the scripts in /etc/rcX.d/ but I have no initrc-file and I've read
> > something about upstart not using the normal way to start up the
> > system. Is that correct?
> Make an /etc/inittab and populate it with what you want as you would normally...
Does this work in Upstart? Is it the way Upstart is meant to work, or
does it just work anyway?

> > Is this list accurate? If so, how do I make use of runlevel 3-5, since
> > Ubuntu only run at level 2?
> All other runlevels are clones of 2.
Yes, they are, default. I will change that when I know how to make
Ubuntu use runlevel 4 default on my box.

This URL didn't work. It only gave me the same question as I'm already
asking.. How do I change the default runlevel in Upstart (not in a
standard init/SysV-process).
> --
> Kristian Hermansen

// Anders

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