Server Team 2007-07-31 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Tue Jul 31 18:36:52 UTC 2007

 * Introductions: 4 people introduced themselves.

 * Review ACTION points from previous meeting: 

   * mathiaz didn't sent anything to UWN.

   '''ACTION:''' mathiaz will send a modified version of the Ubuntu
   Server Team announcement to get it published in the UWN. 

   * soren didn't sent an email to ubuntu-server to ask for more
     widespread testing. He is waiting for the upload of new e-box
   * dendrobates didn't create the ldap-auth-client test
     plan, as other issues keep cropping up.

   '''ACTION:''' dendrobates will create a test plan for

 * Triager section review:

   * mysql bugs have been looked at and most of them are triaged. 
   * mathiaz proposed to tackle samba bugs. The goal is to triage bugs
     in NEW,UNCONFIRMED up to number 90 000.

   '''ACTION:''' mathiaz will update the roadmap.

 * Packager section review: 
   * fernando has been working on ubuntu-server packages. 
     The status can be tracked here:

   * drupal package: tarvid expressed some interest in the drupal
     package, which is in a bad shape for now. mathiaz offered him some
     help on packaging.

 * Tester section review:

   * AppArmor testing: tarvid offered to do some profile testing.

   '''ACTION:''' mathiaz will contact tarvid to coordinate this effort.

 * Documentor section review: 

   * '''ACTION:''' dendrobates will update the wiki pages to make it
     easier to contribute documentation.  
   * Drupal guide: tarvid proposed to write an how-to about setting up Drupal on

   '''ACTION:''' tarvid will start an how-to on

 * Developper section review: 
   * AppArmor: a new version of the kernel module should be integrated
     into the Ubuntu kernel. The target is to get the new kernel module
     merged before FeatureFreeze. That requires a large and invasive
     patch to the kernel plus a new version of the module in
     linux-ubuntu-modules. Once this is done, the user space part can be
     updated. The version would be the latest from upstream.
   * E-box: soren said that the ldap-module was waiting for review. Once
     it's been accepted, samba, ca, dns, dhcp and openvpn modules can be
     uploaded too.  
   * RAID and LVM Installation: ivoks asked about this goal. mathiaz
     explained that this project is about writing recipes for the
     installer to support RAID+LVM partitioning automatically.

   '''ACTION:''' ivoks will have look at it and see if he can do it.

   * dehs: mathiaz looked into the code and wants to talk about it with
   * ldap-auth-client: dendrobates has almost finished repackaging
     libpam-ldap and libnss-ldap. auth-client-config needs more
     discussion to conform to the Debian policy.

   '''ACTION:''' dendrobates and jdstrand should discuss
   auth-client-config packaging issues.

 * Other Business.  
   * tarvid has some interest to bring up a java server in Ubuntu. Some
     further discussion is required on the mailing list or in

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, August the 14th at 15:00 UTC in


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