NFS-Clients (Mac OSX) loose connection to Ubuntus NFS-Kernel-Server

Ingo Lantschner ingo.lists at
Tue Apr 17 21:54:33 UTC 2007

Am 11.04.2007 um 23:16 schrieb Ingo Lantschner:

> Mounting the share with "sudo mount -t nfs -o P,3,r16384,w16384 mail:/
> mnt/daten daten" gives me the mountpoint on the client and I can
> browse the files on the server - but after a short period (seconds)
> the NFS-connection breaks and is no more accessible.
Problem solved but not understood: After moveing the NFS-Server from  
the DMZ (which was a temporary solution) to its final destination LAN  
anything is fine - NFS works again like charm - really fast and  

What did change:
1. No more router/fw in between client and server
2. client and server are on the same media-type (before there was a  
conversion from 100MBit to 10MBit, since the DMZ runs on a 10 MBit  
Network - for environmental reasons :-)

Interesting ... One thing I want to note: I also tried NFS over TCP -  
this did not change anything.

Regards, Ingo
Ingo Lantschner
Mob (+43-664) 143 84 18

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