Please it is very urgent: about cluster suite on Dapper

carlopmart carlopmart at
Mon Mar 27 11:06:24 UTC 2006

Hi Fabio,

  My questions:

  a) gfs init script. In previous message, I have do it this question. 
Today I receive your answer, but I think that is not possible to do as 
you say:

   - If I put an entry on fstab to mount a gfs filesystem, when system 
shutdowns it can not umount this filesystem. Due to this, I think that 
is necessary to include a gfs init script on gfs-tools package like 
RedHat/CentOS does.

   - If I setup as a resource, system services managed by rgmanger can 
fail (in my configuration httpd and postfix fails due to not gfs 
filesystem is mounted).

   b) system-config-cluster. Why restart,relocate and disable options 
doesn't shows???

   c) fence devices. I am using fence-gnbd as a fence device. When one 
node start up and the other is off, fence fails. Is this a bug?.

Many thanks.

Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
> carlopmart wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>   I have problems setting up redhat cluster suite under dapper drake
>> (gfs-tools, cman, ccs, etc). Where is th correct mailing list
>> (ubuntu-users, ubuntu-server, ubuntu-devel ...) to put this questions?
>> Thank you very much.
> Why don't you just explain what the problem is?
> Fabio

CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com

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