Roadmap for UbuntuServer

Joao Inacio jcinacio at
Tue Feb 21 11:02:40 UTC 2006

On 2/21/06, Ivan Krstic <krstic at> wrote:
> Alessio Igor Bogani wrote:
> > Debian has removed webmin from Sid (unstable). It is, for me, a very
> > good news. I hope that Ubuntu, in particulary Ubuntu Server, make the
> > same one. I don't have a good consideration of webmin.
> >From what I can see, webmin isn't in Dapper at all.

i believe that if it's specilly important to RTFM for server
applications, it's also a very important thing to be able to
administer things thru a nice interface that saves the user a lot of

one such example is creating a virtual server (virtualmin): it adds
the needed configurations to apache, bind, ftp, database, smtp... and
even lets the virtual domain user manage some things (like add email

if i can't attest to webmin's features/choices/security, at least i
can say it's an extremely valuably kind of tool to have for many users
like myself.

João Inácio
jcinacio at

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