RCS: /etc and more

Ivan Krstic krstic at fas.harvard.edu
Fri Feb 10 13:49:53 UTC 2006

Filippo Spike Morelli wrote:
> but for what I read, and that might be the problem, 
> bzr will keep changing fast for a "long" while. 

With the recent work on branch formats by Rob Collins, future bzr
versions should have absolutely no trouble upgrading old branches. So if
we went ahead and versioned /etc with bzr 0.8 in Dapper, chances are,
the problems we're worried about would never occur. But we want to be
conservative and make sure by giving it an extra 6 months.

>>This is not a problem -- bzr will 
>>likely be ready to take on this task in Dapper+1;
> likely.

See above. It'll "likely" be ready even for Dapper, so Dapper+1 is a
rather solid bet.

> Probably I'm just missing some obvious 
> piece of information like all the ubuntu devel done under bzr or similar, so 
> it's natural to default to that. 

bzr is a project of Canonical, and is used for both Ubuntu and Launchpad

Ivan Krstic <krstic at fas.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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