server install scripts - was default installed packages

Fabio Massimo Di Nitto fabbione at
Wed Feb 1 10:17:50 UTC 2006

Jim Tarvid wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-01-29 at 17:06 +0100, Filippo Spike Morelli wrote:
>> Hi,
>> just installed dapper and noticed some packages that imho shouldnt be there. 
>> Of course those packages might be useful for a server, as pointed out during 
>> a discussion on irc #ubuntu-server,but here I'm strictly talking of default 
>> installation:
> Unfortunately, servers come in different flavors.
> A fair percentage of my users need Internet servers with web, mail, ftp,
> etc.
> I used the script found at
> 10_Debian.html on breezy for two co-located servers this week and was
> pleasantly surprised.
> Even the degenerate case of setting up virtual hosting and email for a
> single website is going to make support a lot easier.
> Why not distribute a few dummy packages which roll up all the packages
> for the major server classes - Internet, firewall, file sharing, captive
> portal, etc..

we are evaluating this option already, but it come out of a very short
discussion yesterday, before half of the team got ill and today we are down
to 6 out of 17.


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