cloning edgy

Ala Salman asalman at
Fri Dec 29 00:48:20 UTC 2006


Our group (D-Drive at Dalhousie University) is trying to clone a cluster of 60 
nodes.  The "master" node is an amd64 edgy server install.  We then rsynced 
the entire system over to another node except for:

and then we ran grub-install at the end.

Each of these nodes are equipped with two network cards, eth0 and eth1.

When the cloned system boots, the network cards are detected at start up, but 
the output of ifconfig -a shows that they are eth2 and eth3.   I can only 
bring up eth2.  

On the master node the output of df shows /var/run and /var/lock, but on the 
cloned client there isn't any mention of these two.  

I also tried doing this cloning with the systemimager package, which is 
essentially the same method that we used, and I still have this problem, so 
it is an edgy (and maybe dapper) problem.

any input is appreciated.


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