[Bug 1486931] [NEW] [LTCTest][Opal][OP810] ipmitool 1.8.13-1ubuntu0.3 version is still not working for in-band HPM upgrade

Launchpad Bug Tracker 1486931 at bugs.launchpad.net
Thu Aug 20 10:06:20 UTC 2015

You have been subscribed to a public bug:

== Comment: #0 - PAVAMAN SUBRAMANIYAM <pavsubra at in.ibm.com> - 2015-08-20 05:10:55 ==
---Problem Description---
ipmitool 1.8.13-1ubuntu0.3 version is still not working for in-band HPM upgrade
Contact Information = pavsubra at in.ibm.com 
---uname output---
Linux ltc-fire6 3.19.0-26-generic #28~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 12 14:10:52 UTC 2015 ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linux
Machine Type = P8 
A debugger is not configured
---Steps to Reproduce---
Install a P8 Open Power Hardware with Ubuntu 14.04.3 netboot images.
Then install the proposed ipmitool .deb package which is downloaded from the link: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ipmitool/1.8.13-1ubuntu0.3

Then try to use this ipmitool to upgrade the latest HPM files using usb
options as done below.

root at ltc-fire6:~# uname -a
Linux ltc-fire6 3.19.0-26-generic #28~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 12 14:10:52 UTC 2015 ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linux
root at ltc-fire6:~# cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="14.04.3 LTS, Trusty Tahr"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS"

root at ltc-fire6:~# which ipmitool
root at ltc-fire6:~# dpkg -S /usr/bin/ipmitool
ipmitool: /usr/bin/ipmitool
root at ltc-fire6:~# dpkg --list | grep ipmitool
ii  ipmitool                                1.8.13-1ubuntu0.3                       ppc64el      utility for IPMI control with kernel driver or LAN interface

root at ltc-fire6:~# ls

root at ltc-fire6:~# wget https://w3.austin.ibm.com/afs/austin/projects/gfw/images/openpower8/810.1533.20150813o/firestone_810.1533.20150813o_noTraces.hpm --no-check-certificate
--2015-08-19 00:21:52--  https://w3.austin.ibm.com/afs/austin/projects/gfw/images/openpower8/810.1533.20150813o/firestone_810.1533.20150813o_noTraces.hpm
Resolving w3.austin.ibm.com (w3.austin.ibm.com)...
Connecting to w3.austin.ibm.com (w3.austin.ibm.com)||:443... connected.
WARNING: cannot verify w3.austin.ibm.com's certificate, issued by ?/C=US/O=International Business Machines Corporation/CN=IBM INTERNAL INTERMEDIATE CA?:
  Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
    WARNING: certificate common name ?w3sfo.austin.ibm.com? doesn't match requested host name ?w3.austin.ibm.com?.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 100663497 (96M)
Saving to: ?firestone_810.1533.20150813o_noTraces.hpm?

100,663,497 19.4MB/s   in 4.8s

2015-08-19 00:21:57 (20.1 MB/s) -
?firestone_810.1533.20150813o_noTraces.hpm? saved [100663497/100663497]

root at ltc-fire6:~# ipmitool -I usb lan print
Set in Progress         : Set Complete
Auth Type Support       : MD5
Auth Type Enable        : Callback : MD5
                        : User     : MD5
                        : Operator : MD5
                        : Admin    : MD5
                        : OEM      : MD5
IP Address Source       : Static Address
IP Address              :
Subnet Mask             :
MAC Address             : 70:e2:84:14:01:77
SNMP Community String   : AMI
IP Header               : TTL=0x40 Flags=0x40 Precedence=0x00 TOS=0x10
BMC ARP Control         : ARP Responses Enabled, Gratuitous ARP Disabled
Gratituous ARP Intrvl   : 0.0 seconds
Default Gateway IP      :
Default Gateway MAC     : 00:1f:6d:a3:04:00
Backup Gateway IP       :
Backup Gateway MAC      : 00:00:00:00:00:00
802.1q VLAN ID          : Disabled
802.1q VLAN Priority    : 0
RMCP+ Cipher Suites     : 0,1,2,3,6,7,8,11,12,15,16,17
Cipher Suite Priv Max   : caaaaaaaaaaaXXX
                        :     X=Cipher Suite Unused
                        :     c=CALLBACK
                        :     u=USER
                        :     o=OPERATOR
                        :     a=ADMIN
                        :     O=OEM

root at ltc-fire6:~# ipmitool -I usb mc reset cold
Error while writing to CD-Drive
Error in WriteSplitData of SCSI_AMIDEF_DATA_SECTOR
Error while writing to CD-Drive
Error in WriteSplitData of SCSI_AMIDEF_DATA_SECTOR
Error while writing to CD-Drive
Error in WriteSplitData of SCSI_AMIDEF_DATA_SECTOR
Error while sending command using
MC reset command failed: Unspecified error

root at ltc-fire6:~# sleep 120

on the BMC login

login as: sysadmin
sysadmin at's password:

BusyBox v1.13.2 (2015-07-06 12:28:10 EDT) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# power -s
System Power Off.

# power -n
Powering OnSystem already powered on.  Exiting...
# power -s
System Power On.

Also power on the HOST OS using Power Control and Status tab in BMC

root at ltc-fire6:~# ipmitool -I usb raw 0x32 0xBA 0x00 0x00

root at ltc-fire6:~# ipmitool -v -I usb -z 32767 hpm upgrade firestone_810.1533.20150813o_noTraces.hpm component 0 force
Setting large buffer to 32767
Invalid length for the selected interface (Invalid command) 193

PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.8:

Component Id 0 provided
HPM.1 version............0
Component 0 presence....[y]
Component 1 presence....[y]
Component 2 presence....[y]
Component 3 presence....[n]
Component 4 presence....[n]
Component 5 presence....[n]
Component 6 presence....[n]
Component 7 presence....[n]
Upgrade undesirable.....[n]
Aut rollback override...[n]
IPMC degraded...........[y]
Defered activation......[y]
Service affected........[y]
Manual rollback.........[n]
Automatic rollback......[n]
Self test...............[y]
Upgrade timeout.........[1275 sec]
Self test timeout.......[5 sec]
Rollback timeout........[1275 sec]
Inaccessibility timeout.[25 sec]

Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]

Description string: BOOT

Current Version:
 Major: 2
 Minor: 0
 Aux  : 000 000 000 000

Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]

Description string: APP

Current Version:
 Major: 2
 Minor: 0
 Aux  : 113 057 001 000

Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]

Description string: BIOS

Current Version:
 Major: 0
 Minor: 0
 Aux  : 000 000 000 000

Validating firmware image integrity...OK
Performing preparation stage...TARGET UPGRADE CAPABILITIES
HPM.1 version............0
Component 0 presence....[y]
Component 1 presence....[y]
Component 2 presence....[y]
Component 3 presence....[n]
Component 4 presence....[n]
Component 5 presence....[n]
Component 6 presence....[n]
Component 7 presence....[n]
Upgrade undesirable.....[n]
Aut rollback override...[n]
IPMC degraded...........[y]
Defered activation......[y]
Service affected........[y]
Manual rollback.........[n]
Automatic rollback......[n]
Self test...............[y]
Upgrade timeout.........[1275 sec]
Self test timeout.......[5 sec]
Rollback timeout........[1275 sec]
Inaccessibility timeout.[25 sec]

Services may be affected during upgrade. Do you wish to continue? y/n y
Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]

Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]

Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]


Performing upgrade stage:
Updating component 0
Updating component 1
Updating component 2
Component update mask : 0x07

|ID  | Name        |                     Versions                        | %  |
|    |             |      Active     |      Backup     |      File       |    |
Do not skip 0
|*  0|BOOT         |   2.00 00000000 | ---.-- -------- |   1.00 22000000 |  0%|Use File Upgrade Capabilities: 1275 seconds                              100%|
|    |Upload Time: 00:21             | Image Size:  262160 bytes              |
Use File Upgrade Capabilities: 1275 seconds
Do not skip 1
|*  1|APP          |   2.00 71390100 | ---.-- -------- |   2.00 7C350100 |  0%|Use File Upgrade Capabilities: 1275 seconds                              100%|
|    |Upload Time: 21:23             | Image Size: 33292304 bytes              |
Error finishing firmware upload
compcode=0x81: Unknown (0x81)
(*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset
Firmware upgrade procedure failed

Invalid length for the selected interface (Invalid command) 193

root at ltc-fire6:~# ipmitool -I usb hpm activate component 0

PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.8:

Error activating firmware
compcode=0xd5: Command not supported in present state

root at ltc-fire6:~# ipmitool -I usb mc reset cold
Sent cold reset command to MC

root at ltc-fire6:~# ipmitool -I usb hpm activate component 0

PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.8:

Error activating firmware
compcode=0xd5: Command not supported in present state
root at ltc-fire6:~# ipmitool -v -I usb -z 32767 hpm upgrade firestone_810.1533.20150813o_noTraces.hpm component 1 force
Setting large buffer to 32767
Invalid length for the selected interface (Invalid command) 193

PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.8:

Component Id 1 provided
HPM.1 version............0
Component 0 presence....[y]
Component 1 presence....[y]
Component 2 presence....[y]
Component 3 presence....[n]
Component 4 presence....[n]
Component 5 presence....[n]
Component 6 presence....[n]
Component 7 presence....[n]
Upgrade undesirable.....[n]
Aut rollback override...[n]
IPMC degraded...........[y]
Defered activation......[y]
Service affected........[y]
Manual rollback.........[n]
Automatic rollback......[n]
Self test...............[y]
Upgrade timeout.........[1275 sec]
Self test timeout.......[5 sec]
Rollback timeout........[1275 sec]
Inaccessibility timeout.[25 sec]

Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]

Description string: BOOT

Current Version:
 Major: 2
 Minor: 0
 Aux  : 124 053 001 000

Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]

Description string: APP

Current Version:
 Major: 2
 Minor: 0
 Aux  : 113 057 001 000

Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]

Description string: BIOS

Current Version:
 Major: 0
 Minor: 0
 Aux  : 000 000 000 000

Validating firmware image integrity...OK
Performing preparation stage...TARGET UPGRADE CAPABILITIES
HPM.1 version............0
Component 0 presence....[y]
Component 1 presence....[y]
Component 2 presence....[y]
Component 3 presence....[n]
Component 4 presence....[n]
Component 5 presence....[n]
Component 6 presence....[n]
Component 7 presence....[n]
Upgrade undesirable.....[n]
Aut rollback override...[n]
IPMC degraded...........[y]
Defered activation......[y]
Service affected........[y]
Manual rollback.........[n]
Automatic rollback......[n]
Self test...............[y]
Upgrade timeout.........[1275 sec]
Self test timeout.......[5 sec]
Rollback timeout........[1275 sec]
Inaccessibility timeout.[25 sec]

Services may be affected during upgrade. Do you wish to continue? y/n  y
Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]

Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]

Payload cold reset req....[y]
Def. activation supported.[y]
Comparison supported......[y]
Preparation supported.....[y]
Rollback supported........[n]


Performing upgrade stage:
Updating component 0
Updating component 1
Updating component 2
Component update mask : 0x07

|ID  | Name        |                     Versions                        | %  |
|    |             |      Active     |      Backup     |      File       |    |
Do not skip 0
|*  0|BOOT         |   2.00 7C350100 | ---.-- -------- |   1.00 22000000 |  0%|Use File Upgrade Capabilities: 1275 seconds                              100%|
|    |Upload Time: 00:20             | Image Size:  262160 bytes              |
Use File Upgrade Capabilities: 1275 seconds
Do not skip 1
|*  1|APP          |   2.00 71390100 | ---.-- -------- |   2.00 7C350100 |  0%|Use File Upgrade Capabilities: 1275 seconds                              100%|
|    |Upload Time: 21:26             | Image Size: 33292304 bytes              |
Error finishing firmware upload
compcode=0x81: Unknown (0x81)
(*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset
Firmware upgrade procedure failed

Invalid length for the selected interface (Invalid command) 193
Userspace tool common name: /usr/bin/ipmitool 
The userspace tool has the following bit modes: 64-bit 

Userspace rpm: ipmitool-1.8.13-1ubuntu0.3

Userspace tool obtained from project website:  na

** Affects: ipmitool (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

** Tags: architecture-ppc64le bugnameltc-129223 severity-critical targetmilestone-inin14043
[LTCTest][Opal][OP810] ipmitool 1.8.13-1ubuntu0.3 version is still not working for in-band HPM upgrade
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