[Blueprint servercloud-u-maas-ci-dev] MAAS CI improvements for Utopic

Diogo Matsubara diogo.matsubara at canonical.com
Fri Jun 6 21:23:54 UTC 2014

Blueprint changed by Diogo Matsubara:

Work items changed:
  Work items for ubuntu-14.05:
  [matsubara] upgrade CI infrastructure to latest autopkgtest: DONE
  [matsubara] utopic jenkins jobs: DONE
  [matsubara] per commit CI tests run (bug 1290426): DONE
  Work items for ubuntu-14.06:
  MAAS automated ISO tests (bug 1300783): TODO
  MAAS automated upgrade tests: TODO
  Work items for ubuntu-14.07:
  clean up current CI tests (separate precise/trusty tests): TODO
  Work items:
  Improve MAAS CI test coverage: TODO
+ Add test coverage for virsh power type: TODO
  MAAS lab test hardware (ARM, NUCs, UEFI): TODO
  Revisit the precise CI jobs for autopkgtest: TODO
  Add precise job for cloud-tools next: TODO

MAAS CI improvements for Utopic

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