[Blueprint servercloud-u-ceph] Ceph activities for Utopic

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 29 07:55:52 UTC 2014

Blueprint changed by James Page:

Work items changed:
  Work items for ubuntu-14.06:
  get dependency gap list for calamari: DONE
  resolve dependency gap for calamari: TODO
  Work items for ubuntu-14.07:
- Update to latest stable release of Ceph: TODO
+ Update to latest stable release of Ceph: DONE
  Package calamari and required dependencies: TODO
+ [sage] Ensure kernel fixes are getting back to the 3.13 kernel in trusty: TODO
+ Work items for ubuntu-14.08:
  Update ceph-radosgw charm to support use with embedded web container: TODO
- [sage] Ensure kernel fixes are getting back to the 3.13 kernel in trusty: TODO
  systemd configuration for ceph: TODO
  Work items for ubuntu-14.10:
  charm calamari (stretch goal for 14.10): TODO

Ceph activities for Utopic

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