[Blueprint servercloud-u-juju-core] Server team specific Juju work for Utopic

Robie Basak robie.basak at canonical.com
Tue Jul 15 11:24:37 UTC 2014

Blueprint changed by Robie Basak:

Work items changed:
  Work items for ubuntu-14.06:
- Update juju-core to latest 1.18.x release in 14.10 and 14.04: INPROGRESS
+ Update juju-core to latest 1.18.x release in 14.10: DONE
+ Update juju-core to latest 1.18.x release in 14.04: BLOCKED
  Work items:
  Provide Juju 2.x in 14.04: TODO
  Land juju-core update in Utopic: TODO
- Land juju-quickstart update in Utopic: TODO
+ Land juju-quickstart update in Utopic: DONE

Server team specific Juju work for Utopic

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