[Blueprint servercloud-v-openstack-charms] OpenStack Charm work for Vivid
James Page
james.page at ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 1 11:37:22 UTC 2014
Blueprint changed by James Page:
Work items changed:
Work items for ubuntu-15.01:
Setup openstack-charmers mailing list on lists.ubuntu.com: TODO
review use of logging throughout charm-helpers and charms, make it useful: TODO
move CONFIG out of global scope and construct as required (optimization): TODO
drop links that don't actually provide hooks: TODO
configuration file review and updates for deprecated options/sections etc: TODO
add percona and rabbitmq charms to stable/next process: TODO
Squash existing openstack charm bugs: TODO
Finish unit_tests and amulet coverage: TODO
Review and purge where possible pkg installs at runtime: TODO
Neutron router HA and DVR support (>= juno): TODO
Write templates for charm-helpers for cinder and neutron backends/plugins: TODO
Review charm documentation and update as required: TODO
+ Support for OpenStack Kilo release: TODO
Charm release notes for 15.01 release: TODO
Work items for ubuntu-15.04:
Move to OS style standards for Charms and OS Charm helpers: TODO
openstack-zmq redis support: TODO
support in ceilometer charm for multiple message brokers: TODO
deploy from git: TODO
Make os charms restart aware: TODO
Automated charmhelper sync into next charms: TODO
Sync precise and trusty charms: TODO
Move cs:/oscharm to trusty: TODO
Enable more people to join os-charmers: documentation, review criteria, contrib workflow, joining criteria: TODO
Advertising third party plugins that have been accepted: TODO
Third party segregation in the code. Refactor code to distnace third party plugins: TODO
OpenContrail charm review and landing into official charms: TODO
Charm release notes for 15.04 release: TODO
OpenStack Charm work for Vivid
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