[Blueprint servercloud-v-openstack-charms] OpenStack Charm work for Vivid

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 1 11:23:10 UTC 2014

Blueprint changed by James Page:

Whiteboard changed:
+ Dean is a developer on a product that makes use of the OpenStack charms; he's able to keep introducing new features alongside charm updates every three months, instead of having to wait for six months.
+ James is deploying neutron and wants to try out the new HA features
+ introduced in juno; he's able to enable these in his deployment with:
+     juju set neutron-api router-ha=true distributed-virtual-router=true
+ Emma is debugging a problem with her OpenStack charm deployment; she's
+ able to easily parse the debug logs and understand what's causing her
+ problems.
+ 3 month release cycle is only supportable with appropriate QA (esp HA).
+ Insufficent resource to delivery scope for cycle.
+ OpenStack charms + mysql, rabbitmq-server, percona-cluster, mongodb, redis
+ Any other charms.
+ No features should land into next without a) appropriate unit tests b) amulet tests and c) deployer configurations for fully automated testing.
+ Features should consider HTTPS and HA requirements.
+ Neutron DVR/HA
+ ZeroMQ support (inc Redis)
+ Ceilometer HA + HTTPS
+ Heat HTTPS (no HA this cycle)
+ Keystone PKI support
+ HA improvements

OpenStack Charm work for Vivid

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