[Blueprint servercloud-s-cloud-archive] Ubuntu Cloud Archive for Havana
James Page
james.page at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 19 15:08:42 UTC 2013
Blueprint changed by James Page:
Work items changed:
Work items for ubuntu-13.05:
Open Cloud Archive for Havana development: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-13.06:
[james-page] Document proposed OpenStack SRU cadence process: DONE
Update Cloud Archive documentation inline with support lifecycle: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-13.08:
[gandelman-a] CA pipeline reporting for updates: DONE
[gandelman-a] Document backports tool in openstack-ubuntu-testing: DONE
[gandelman-a] Investigate automated changelog creation as part of per-commit testing: DONE
[zulcss] Backport of qemu for Havana: DONE
[james-page] Create PPA's for cloud-tools pockets: DONE
- [james-page] Update cloud-archive configuration for new tools pockets (~): INPROGRESS
+ [james-page] Update cloud-archive configuration for new tools pockets (~): DONE
[james-page] Induct gandelman-a into the Cloud Archive Admins team: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-13.09:
[james-page] Update tools for cloud-tools pockets (0.5): TODO
Upload initial tools (maas, juju, golang, lxc) to cloud-tools pocket (1): TODO
[james-page] Discuss communications plan around cloud-archive releases with jcastro (~): TODO
Update SRU cadence for entry into ca-staging at same time as proposed queue (~): TODO
Work items for ubuntu-13.10:
[james-page] Implement workflow for critical security updates (1): TODO
Automate cloud archive backports to staging for existing packages in the cloud-archive: TODO
Work items:
[gandelman-a] Document how to run point release update preparation verification testing against proposed updates: INPROGRESS
[gandelman-a] add-apt-repository for cloud-archive: TODO
Bug closure for cloud-archive bugs: TODO
Figure out and document security update process for 3 month shortfall between distro and OpenStack support: TODO
Ubuntu Cloud Archive for Havana
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