[Blueprint servercloud-s-openstack-charms] OpenStack Charm work for Saucy/Havana

Adam Gandelman adamg at ubuntu.com
Tue Oct 15 16:26:24 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by Adam Gandelman:

Work items changed:
  Work items for ubuntu-13.08:
  [andreserl] glance python rewrite: DONE
  [gandelman-a] cinder python rewrite: DONE
  [gandelman-a] swift-storage python rewrite: DONE
  [gandelman-a] nova-compute python rewrite: DONE
  [gandelman-a] nova-cloud-controller python rewrite: DONE
  [james-page] openstack-dashboard python rewrite: DONE
  [james-page] quantum-gateway python redux: DONE
  Integrate current openstack-charm-helpers into lp:charm-helpers: DONE
  [gandelman-a] Automate basic smoke test of proposed charm change: DONE
  [gandelman-a] Merge back all Grizzly charm work to charm store ASAP: DONE
  [gandelman-a] Drop nova-cloud-controller quantum network configuration: DONE
  Work items for ubuntu-13.09:
  [james-page] Add support for neutron rename/havana upgrades to quantum-gateway (0.5): DONE
- Update help.ubuntu.com wiki with simple juju-deployer bundle (.25): TODO
+ Update help.ubuntu.com wiki with simple juju-deployer bundle (.25): DONE
  subordinate -> templated-based principle config refactoring (1): DONE
  Design + implement subordinate approach to principle charm configuration (1): DONE
- Write a really good network charmhelper (1): TODO
- Add support for automatic network interface configuration to charms (1): TODO
- Implement relation scrubbing for all multi-unit services (1): TODO
+ Write a really good network charmhelper (1): POSTPONED
+ Add support for automatic network interface configuration to charms (1): DONE
+ Implement relation scrubbing for all multi-unit services (1): POSTPONED
  Work items for ubuntu-13.10:
- [gandelman-a] keystone public endpoint SSL (1): TODO
+ [gandelman-a] keystone public endpoint SSL (1): POSTPONED
  [jamespage] Update quantum-gateway to support single-NIC deployment (2): POSTPONED
- Update keystone charm to use new charmhelpers (1): TODO
+ Update keystone charm to use new charmhelpers (1): POSTPONED
  Update swift-proxy charm to use new charmhelpers (1): DONE
  Avaliability zone configuration for nova-compute and cinder (1): DONE
  Implement support for openstack reference network architectures in charms (2): POSTPONED
  Work items:
- [yolanda.robla] Investigate backup and monitoring interfaces across OpenStack charms (.5): TODO
+ [yolanda.robla] Investigate backup and monitoring interfaces across OpenStack charms (.5): POSTPONED
  Rewrite the Neutron charm integration ala Cinder style (2): POSTPONED
- Implement targetted test for HA aspects of charms (~): TODO
+ Implement targetted test for HA aspects of charms (~): POSTPONED
  [james-page] Redux ceilometer and ceilometer-agent charms for new charmhelpers (1): INPROGRESS
  [james-page] Submit ceilometer charms to the charm-store (.5): TODO
  [james-page] Update swift-proxy to support ceilometer (1): TODO
  Design for openstack reference network architectures for charms (~): POSTPONED

OpenStack Charm work for Saucy/Havana

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