[Blueprint servercloud-s-openstack-qa] Openstack & Server QA
Adam Gandelman
adamg at ubuntu.com
Tue Oct 1 16:44:00 UTC 2013
Blueprint changed by Adam Gandelman:
Work items changed:
Work items for ubuntu-13.08:
Add support for quantum based security rules to nova and quantum charms: DONE
Add OpenStack + Quantum with L2 tenant separation: DONE
Add DEP-8 tests to openstack packages: DONE
Upstream dependency tracking of pypi: DONE
[gandelman-a] Setup DEP-8 testing for openstack packages on serverstack: DONE
Review reporting of testing results to public jenkins, investigate performance: DONE
+ Work items for ubuntu-13.10:
+ Include swift in per-commit openstack testing: TODO
Work items for ubuntu-13.09:
- Include swift in per-commit openstack testing: TODO
Discuss use of HWE kernels with juju/maas teams in terms of support timeframes: TODO
+ Work items for ubuntu-13.10:
[gandelman-a] Upgrade testing of OpenStack using charm upgrades: TODO
- Upgrade testing of packages: TODO
- Add tempest stress testing to openstack-ci lab: TODO
+ Work items for ubuntu-13.09:
+ Upgrade testing of packages: POSTPONED
+ Add tempest stress testing to openstack-ci lab: POSTPONED
Work items for ubuntu-13.10:
Regression testing and upgrade testing of OpenStack charms: TODO
Include heat in pre-commit openstack testing: TODO
Include ceilometer in per-commit openstack testing: TODO
Add reporting of test pipeline (needs IS support): TODO
Work items:
Add ipv6 support to lab: POSTPONED
Add zeromq support tot lab: POSTPONED
Implement mahem badger -> tempest integration: POSTPONED
Review cloudbox inconjunction with Canonical cert team: POSTPONED
Add smoke testing of the HA configuration: POSTPONED
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