[Blueprint servercloud-s-ceph] Ceph activities for Saucy

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Thu May 16 10:43:57 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by James Page:

Work items changed:
- Work items for ubuntu-13.05:
+ Work items for ubuntu-13.06:
  Upload cuttlefish to saucy: TODO
+ Upload cuttlefish to the havana cloud archive: TODO
  Work items for ubuntu-13.07:
  Upload dumpling - 4 weeks to saucy: TODO
  Upload dumpling - 2 weeks to saucy: TODO
  Work items for ubuntu-13.08:
  Upload dumpling to saucy: TODO
+ Upload dumpling to the havana cloud archive: TODO
  Write dep8 tests for ceph: TODO
  Review upstream patches for mod_fastcgi: TODO
  Review/test ceph RADOS with mod_fcgid: TODO
  Identify use-cases for ceph performance scenarios: TODO
  Update ceph charms to support cuttlefish features: TODO
  ceph-deploy packaging: TODO
  Work items for ubuntu-13.10:
- Upload cuttlefish to the havana cloud archive: TODO
- Upload dumpling to the havana cloud archive: TODO
  Regular multi-node ceph testing in the lab: BLOCKED
  Implement more in-depth testing of Ceph to support SRU's: TODO
  Ceph teuthology tests for deploying with Juju: TODO
  Ability to use upstream packages in Juju charms: TODO

Ceph activities for Saucy

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