[Blueprint servercloud-s-cloud-images-lts-enablement] 12.04.x images with LTS Enablement Kernel

Antonio Rosales antonio at canonical.com
Tue May 14 15:52:42 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by Antonio Rosales:

Whiteboard changed:
  Bob likes Ceph. The ceph modules in 3.2 do not work as well as later kernel images.
  Alice likes btrfs. The btrfs kernel module in 3.2 do not have the latest
  features. She wants to stay on 12.04.
  - Kernel upgrade story at the end of  the LTS kernel is nil. Users have to manually upgrade.
  - Produce new cloud-images with LTS Enablement kernel
  Ubuntu Cloud Images for 12.04.x are now being produced with the LTS-Enablement Kernel, in addition to the 3.2 seriies that orginially shipped with 12.04 LTS. The LTS-Enablement kernel allows those who need to run a newer kernel versions.
  - [smoser] Adding yet another image
  - [smoser] Enable rebundling images
  - [utemming] Enable cloud-init short-hand to do this automatically
+ 1305 vUDS Pad: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1305-servercloud-s-cloud-images-lts-enablement

12.04.x images with LTS Enablement Kernel

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