[Blueprint servercloud-s-openstack-hypervisor] Openstack Hypervisors

Chuck Short chuck.short at canonical.com
Tue May 14 01:59:55 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by Chuck Short:

Work items set to:
Work items:
* Add a more recent version of XCP to the Ubuntu Archive: TODO
* Write XCP documentation and Openstack: TODO
* Test XCP and Openstack: TODO
* Test libvirt-xen and Openstack: TODO
* Write documentation on libvirt-xen: TODO
* Add lxc block device support for apparmor: TODO
* Add lxc qemu-nbd support for Openstack: TODO
* Test vmware support and Openstack: TODO
* Write documenation on vmware and Openstack: TODO

Openstack Hypervisors

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