[Blueprint servercloud-s-openstack-qa] Openstack & Server QA

Chuck Short chuck.short at canonical.com
Mon May 13 13:57:38 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by Chuck Short:

Whiteboard changed:
  Andres is an Ubuntu Developer who wants the Ubuntu packaging to be a high quality at all times. He uses the Openstack CI to track possible problems with the Ubuntu packages and fixes them in a timely matter.
  Roger is an user who wants to test the latest cutting edge upstream
  changes. Roger installs the Openstack packages from the Openstack-CI ppa
  and reports bugs upstream and in Ubuntu.
- Sebastian is an Ubuntu Developer who wants to test package upgrades from Ubuntu 12.04 to the latest version. He writes a testcase to perform the upgrade and writes a pipeline to perform the tests at regular intervals.
+ Sebastian is an Ubuntu Developer who wants to test package upgrades from
+ Ubuntu 12.04 to the latest version. He writes a testcase to perform the
+ upgrade and writes a pipeline to perform the tests at regular intervals.
+ Server QA lab will be virtualized using OpenStack supporting regular testing activities.

Openstack & Server QA

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