[Blueprint servercloud-s-juju-docs] Improve Juju Documentation

Jorge O. Castro jorge at ubuntu.com
Wed May 8 20:56:41 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by Jorge O. Castro:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
  [evilnick] Define structural elements of HTML5 doc: DONE
  [evilnick] Create sample "getting Started Guide": DONE
  [evilnick] Create list of screencasts: TODO
  [jorge] Develop Webinar/Screen cast education series mapped to Docs. (ie 12 sessions from getting started to Debugging): TODO
  [marcoceppi] Ensure URL rewrites work from olddocs to newdocs: TODO
  [mark-mims] Script diffs to CLI: TODO
  [evilnick] Publish list of videos and assign them to jorge, marco, mims, antonio, and whoever.: TODO
  [evilnick] Recirculate video template specs: TODO
  [jorge] Find out who will redub our stuff: TODO
  [jorge] "How to contribute to Juju docs" section, make sure it follow's nick's style guide: TODO
+ [marcoceppi] Propose to list to allow contributions to docs to count as ~charmers contribution: TODO

Improve Juju Documentation

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