[Blueprint servercloud-r-ceph] Ceph Activities for Raring

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Sun Jan 20 14:29:26 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by James Page:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
  Backport argonaut to precise-folsom cloud archive: DONE
  Upstream support for XFS in ceph-disk-*: DONE
  MIR for additional dependencies for upstart integration: DONE
  Write dep8 tests for ceph and get automated: TODO
  Write UTAH tests for ceph and get automated: INPROGRESS
  Upgrade packaging to bobtail release: DONE
  Enable upstart configurations in packaging: DONE
  Test upgrade paths from 12.10 with upstart and init scripts: DONE
  Review upstream patches for mod_fastcgi: INPROGRESS
  Review/test ceph RADOS with mod_fcgid: TODO
  Identify use-cases for ceph performance scenarios: TODO
  Upload bobtail to the grizzly cloud archive: INPROGRESS
- Multi-node ceph testing in the lab: TODO
+ Multi-node ceph testing in the lab: DONE
  Ceph testing in the Openstack CI Lab: DONE
  Enable rbd storage pool support in libvirt: DONE
  Update ceph charms to support bobtail: INPROGRESS

Ceph Activities for Raring

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