[Blueprint servercloud-1311-ceph] Ceph activities for Trusty

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 9 12:37:27 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by James Page:

Work items changed:
  Work items for ubuntu-13.11:
  Update ceph packages for emperor upstream release: DONE
  Re-sync packaging with Debian: DONE
  Update ceph-deploy packages: DONE
  Work items for ubuntu-13.12:
  Package geo-replication agents for RADOS gateway: INPROGRESS
- Review/move mod_fastcgi out of multiverse: TODO
+ Work items for ubuntu-14.01:
+ Review/move mod_fastcgi out of multiverse: INPROGRESS
  MIR mod_fastcgi: TODO
  Improve RADOS gateway packaging for a more off-the-shelf experience: TODO
- Work items for ubuntu-14.01:
  Fully automated testing of ceph for SRU's and development release: TODO
  Update ceph-deploy packages: TODO
  Work items for ubuntu-14.02:
  Update ceph packages to firefly release: TODO
  Work items for ubuntu-14.04:
  Update ceph-deploy packages: TODO
  Updates to charms for Ceph firefly: TODO

Ceph activities for Trusty

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