[Bug 1214856] [NEW] ipv6 squid deny_info redirect loop

Krzysztof Kulaj krzysztof.kulaj at gmail.com
Wed Aug 21 11:52:19 UTC 2013

Public bug reported:


I think, there is a problem with deny_info web page when squid is
running ipv6 only box. The problem appears on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server
x86_64 (squid from package - 3.1.19) as well as Ubuntu 13.10 (squid from
package - 3.3.8). I tested this with firefox and opera - in both cases I
got a lot of answers, and firefox end connection with user-message:
"Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for
this address in a way that will never complete.". In Firebug from
Firefox I see a lot of GET webpage with code 302 Moved Temporarily. In
firefox squid is set simply as a proxy on port 3128. There is no any
problems with dns or routing on squid box (as well as client machine)-
all ipv6 addresses (ipv6.google.com, facebook etc) could be simply
pinged or connected.

This bug cane be easily reproducable:

acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src ::1
acl to_localhost dst ::1
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80
acl Safe_ports port 21
acl Safe_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 70
acl Safe_ports port 210
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535
acl Safe_ports port 280
acl Safe_ports port 488
acl Safe_ports port 591
acl Safe_ports port 777
acl TestNet src 2001:6f8:X::/48 ## global ipv6 network
acl ProxyServer dst 2001:6f8:X::3:1/96 ## global ipv6 address needed
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow ProxyServer
http_access deny TestNet
http_access deny all
http_port 3128
debug_options ALL,3
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid3
refresh_pattern ^ftp:		1440	20%	10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:	1440	0%	1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0	0%	0
refresh_pattern (Release|Packages(.gz)*)$      0       20%     2880
refresh_pattern .		0	20%	4320
error_directory /etc/squid3/errors
deny_info http://ipv6.google.com TestNet
I've been also trying to show deny_info webpage from internal network, from the box where squid is running, and others. I also tried to add ipv6.google.com as always_direct, but it bring no results.

1376732668.599      4 2001:6f8:X:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea TCP_DENIED/302 355 GET http://ipv6.google.com/ - NONE/- text/html
1376732668.615      4 2001:6f8:X:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea TCP_DENIED/302 355 GET http://ipv6.google.com/ - NONE/- text/html
1376732668.631      4 2001:6f8:X:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea TCP_DENIED/302 355 GET http://ipv6.google.com/ - NONE/- text/html
this messages appears 19 times - than connection is closed by firefox.

/var/log/squid3/cache - debug_options ALL,3
2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| fd_open() FD 9 HTTP Request
2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| comm.cc(1207) commSetTimeout: FD 9 timeout 900
2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| ACLList::matches: checking all
2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'all'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| aclIpMatchIp: '[2001:6f8:X:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea]:43171' found
2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'all' is 1
2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| aclmatchAclList: 0x7fff6fe39e10 returning true (AND list satisfied)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| ACLChecklist::markFinished: 0x7fff6fe39e10 checklist processing finished
2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| comm_read_try: FD 9, size 4095, retval 471, errno 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| commio_finish_callback: called for FD 9 (0, 0)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| parseHttpRequest: req_hdr = {Host: facebook.com^M
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0^M
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8^M
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5^M
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate^M
Cookie: datr=AX7BUWYNyh5PRT2GW662BWJl; fr=0DzAEbBwZNImObX3T.AWX47S4XqF-sSSayEl_aCetGvOw.BRwt6o.9l.FIC.AWWfKZ19; lu=TglKZMJcu6Qa8n-2rSmBpPYA; locale=pl_PL; csm=2^M
Connection: keep-alive^M
2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| parseHttpRequest: end = {
2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| parseHttpRequest: prefix_sz = 471, req_line_sz = 35
2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| clientStreamInsertHead: Inserted node 0x7f0fd14711e8 with data 0x7f0fd1473970 after head
2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| comm.cc(1196) commSetTimeout: FD 9 timeout 86400
2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| comm.cc(1207) commSetTimeout: FD 9 timeout 86400
2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| urlParse: Split URL 'http://facebook.com/' into proto='http', host='facebook.com', port='80', path='/'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| clientSetKeepaliveFlag: http_ver = 1.1
2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| clientSetKeepaliveFlag: method = GET
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| client_side_request.cc(142) ClientRequestContext: 0x7f0fd1471ae8 ClientRequestContext constructed
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| client_side_request.cc(1322) doCallouts: Doing calloutContext->clientAccessCheck()
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access allow manager localhost'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking manager
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'manager'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'manager' is 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access deny manager'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking manager
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'manager'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'manager' is 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access deny !Safe_ports'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking !Safe_ports
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'Safe_ports'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'Safe_ports' is 1
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking CONNECT
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'CONNECT'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'CONNECT' is 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access allow localhost'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking localhost
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'localhost'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclIpMatchIp: '[2001:6f8:1c2c:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea]:43171' NOT found
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'localhost' is 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access allow ProxyServer'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking ProxyServer
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'ProxyServer'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ipcache_gethostbyname: 'facebook.com', flags=1
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| idnsALookup: buf is 30 bytes for facebook.com, id = 0xb39c
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| comm_udp_sendto: Attempt to send UDP packet to [2001:4860:4860::8844]:53 using FD 5 using Port 52660
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclMatchAcl: Can't yet compare 'ProxyServer' ACL for 'facebook.com'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'ProxyServer' is 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::asyncInProgress: 0x7f0fd1475898 async set to 1
2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=1 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=1 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.599| idnsRead: starting with FD 5
2013/08/17 12:02:10.599| idnsRead: FD 5: received 58 bytes from [2001:4860:4860::8844]:53
2013/08/17 12:02:10.599| idnsGrokReply: ID 0xb39c, 1 answers
2013/08/17 12:02:10.599| idnsGrokReply: facebook.com AAAA query done. Configured to retrieve A now also.
2013/08/17 12:02:10.599| comm_udp_sendto: Attempt to send UDP packet to [2001:4860:4860::8844]:53 using FD 5 using Port 52660
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| idnsRead: starting with FD 5
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| idnsRead: FD 5: received 46 bytes from [2001:4860:4860::8844]:53
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| idnsGrokReply: ID 0x32d, 1 answers
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcacheParse: facebook.com #0 [2a03:2880:2110:df07:face:b00c:0:1]
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcacheParse: facebook.com #1
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcacheParse: facebook.com #0 [2a03:2880:2110:df07:face:b00c:0:1]
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcacheParse: facebook.com #1
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcacheRelease: Releasing entry for 'facebook.com'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACLChecklist::asyncInProgress: 0x7f0fd1475898 async set to 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access allow ProxyServer'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACLList::matches: checking ProxyServer
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'ProxyServer'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcache_gethostbyname: 'facebook.com', flags=1
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| aclIpMatchIp: '[2a03:2880:2110:df07:face:b00c:0:1]' NOT found
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| aclIpMatchIp: '' NOT found
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'ProxyServer' is 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access deny TestNet'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACLList::matches: checking TestNet
2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'TestNet'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| aclIpMatchIp: '[2001:6f8:1c2c:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea]:43171' found
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'TestNet' is 1
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning true (AND list satisfied)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| ACLChecklist::markFinished: 0x7f0fd1475898 checklist processing finished
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| ACLChecklist::check: 0x7f0fd1475898 match found, calling back with 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| ACLChecklist::checkCallback: 0x7f0fd1475898 answer=0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| The request GET http://facebook.com/ is DENIED, because it matched 'TestNet'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| storeCreateEntry: 'http://facebook.com/'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| store.cc(360) StoreEntry: new StoreEntry 0x7f0fd147a820
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| MemObject.cc(76) MemObject: new MemObject 0x7f0fd147a8a0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| storeKeyPrivate: GET http://facebook.com/
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::hashInsert: Inserting Entry 0x7f0fd147a820 key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::setReleaseFlag: '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::lock: key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F' count=2
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::replaceHttpReply: http://facebook.com/
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| InvokeHandlers: 18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::InvokeHandlers: checking client #0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| storeComplete: '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| storeEntryValidLength: Checking '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| InvokeHandlers: 18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::InvokeHandlers: checking client #0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::unlock: key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F' count=1
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| clientStreamRead: Calling 1 with cbdata 0x7f0fd1474b50 from node 0x7f0fd14711e8
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| store_client::copy: 18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F, from 0, for length 4096, cb 1, cbdata 0x7f0fd1473a98
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| storeClientCopy2: 18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| store_client::doCopy: Copying normal from memory
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| ZPH: Preserving TOS on miss, TOS=0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| The reply for GET http://facebook.com/ is ALLOWED, because it matched 'TestNet'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::lock: key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F' count=2
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| clientReplyContext::sendMoreData: Appending 0 bytes after 224 bytes of headers
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| clientStreamCallback: Calling 1 with cbdata 0x7f0fd1473970 from node 0x7f0fd146fc58
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| commio_finish_callback: called for FD 9 (0, 11)
2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| client_side_reply.cc(1037) storeOKTransferDone: storeOKTransferDone  out.offset=0 objectLen()=224 headers_sz=224
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| ClientSocketContext::keepaliveNextRequest: FD 9
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| clientStreamDetach: Detaching node 0x7f0fd14711e8
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| Freeing clientStreamNode 0x7f0fd14711e8
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| httpRequestFree: http://facebook.com/
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| StoreEntry::unlock: key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F' count=1
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| clientStreamAbort: Aborting stream with tail 0x7f0fd146fc58
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| clientStreamDetach: Detaching node 0x7f0fd146fc58
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| client_side_request.cc(130) ~ClientRequestContext: 0x7f0fd1471ae8 ClientRequestContext destructed
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| clientStreamDetach: Calling 1 with cbdata 0x7f0fd1474b50
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| Freeing clientStreamNode 0x7f0fd146fc58
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| storeUnregister: called for '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| storePendingNClients: returning 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| StoreEntry::unlock: key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F' count=0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| storePendingNClients: returning 0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| storeRelease: Releasing: '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| store.cc(403) destroyStoreEntry: destroyStoreEntry: destroying 0x7f0fd147a828
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| store.cc(393) destroyMemObject: destroyMemObject 0x7f0fd147a8a0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| MemObject.cc(97) ~MemObject: del MemObject 0x7f0fd147a8a0
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| ClientSocketContext:: FD 9: calling conn->readNextRequest()
2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| comm.cc(1207) commSetTimeout: FD 9 timeout 120
this cache logs appears several time, I pasted only first request.

I will be happy If I'm able to anwser any your question or provide more
information about this bug.

** Affects: squid (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

** Description changed:

  I think, there is a problem with deny_info web page when squid is
  running ipv6 only box. The problem appears on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server
  x86_64 (squid from package - 3.1.19) as well as Ubuntu 13.10 (squid from
  package - 3.3.8). I tested this with firefox and opera - in both cases I
  got a lot of answers, and firefox end connection with user-message:
  "Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for
  this address in a way that will never complete.". In Firebug from
  Firefox I see a lot of GET webpage with code 302 Moved Temporarily. In
  firefox squid is set simply as a proxy on port 3128. There is no any
  problems with dns or routing on squid box (as well as client machine)-
  all ipv6 addresses (ipv6.google.com, facebook etc) could be simply
  pinged or connected.
  This bug cane be easily reproducable:
  acl manager proto cache_object
  acl localhost src ::1
  acl to_localhost dst ::1
  acl SSL_ports port 443
- acl Safe_ports port 80 
- acl Safe_ports port 21 
- acl Safe_ports port 443 
- acl Safe_ports port 70 
- acl Safe_ports port 210 
- acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 
- acl Safe_ports port 280 
- acl Safe_ports port 488 
- acl Safe_ports port 591 
- acl Safe_ports port 777 
+ acl Safe_ports port 80
+ acl Safe_ports port 21
+ acl Safe_ports port 443
+ acl Safe_ports port 70
+ acl Safe_ports port 210
+ acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535
+ acl Safe_ports port 280
+ acl Safe_ports port 488
+ acl Safe_ports port 591
+ acl Safe_ports port 777
  acl CONNECT method CONNECT
- acl TestNet src 2001:6f8:X::/48 ## global ipv6 network 
+ acl TestNet src 2001:6f8:X::/48 ## global ipv6 network
  acl ProxyServer dst 2001:6f8:X::3:1/96 ## global ipv6 address needed
  http_access allow manager localhost
  http_access deny manager
  http_access deny !Safe_ports
  http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
  http_access allow localhost
  http_access allow ProxyServer
  http_access deny TestNet
  http_access deny all
  http_port 3128
  debug_options ALL,3
  coredump_dir /var/spool/squid3
  refresh_pattern ^ftp:		1440	20%	10080
  refresh_pattern ^gopher:	1440	0%	1440
  refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0	0%	0
  refresh_pattern (Release|Packages(.gz)*)$      0       20%     2880
  refresh_pattern .		0	20%	4320
  error_directory /etc/squid3/errors
  deny_info http://ipv6.google.com TestNet
- I've been also trying to show deny_info webpage from internal network, from the box where squid is running, and others. I also tried to add ipv6.google.com as always_direct, but it bring no results. 
+ I've been also trying to show deny_info webpage from internal network, from the box where squid is running, and others. I also tried to add ipv6.google.com as always_direct, but it bring no results.
  1376732668.599      4 2001:6f8:X:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea TCP_DENIED/302 355 GET http://ipv6.google.com/ - NONE/- text/html
  1376732668.615      4 2001:6f8:X:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea TCP_DENIED/302 355 GET http://ipv6.google.com/ - NONE/- text/html
  1376732668.631      4 2001:6f8:X:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea TCP_DENIED/302 355 GET http://ipv6.google.com/ - NONE/- text/html
- this messages appears 19 times - than connection is closed by firefox. 
+ this messages appears 19 times - than connection is closed by firefox.
  /var/log/squid3/cache - debug_options ALL,3
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| fd_open() FD 9 HTTP Request
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| comm.cc(1207) commSetTimeout: FD 9 timeout 900
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| ACLList::matches: checking all
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'all'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| aclIpMatchIp: '[2001:6f8:X:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea]:43171' found
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'all' is 1
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| aclmatchAclList: 0x7fff6fe39e10 returning true (AND list satisfied)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.557| ACLChecklist::markFinished: 0x7fff6fe39e10 checklist processing finished
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| comm_read_try: FD 9, size 4095, retval 471, errno 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| commio_finish_callback: called for FD 9 (0, 0)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| parseHttpRequest: req_hdr = {Host: facebook.com^M
  User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0^M
  Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8^M
  Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5^M
  Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate^M
  Cookie: datr=AX7BUWYNyh5PRT2GW662BWJl; fr=0DzAEbBwZNImObX3T.AWX47S4XqF-sSSayEl_aCetGvOw.BRwt6o.9l.FIC.AWWfKZ19; lu=TglKZMJcu6Qa8n-2rSmBpPYA; locale=pl_PL; csm=2^M
  Connection: keep-alive^M
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| parseHttpRequest: end = {
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| parseHttpRequest: prefix_sz = 471, req_line_sz = 35
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| clientStreamInsertHead: Inserted node 0x7f0fd14711e8 with data 0x7f0fd1473970 after head
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| comm.cc(1196) commSetTimeout: FD 9 timeout 86400
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| comm.cc(1207) commSetTimeout: FD 9 timeout 86400
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| urlParse: Split URL 'http://facebook.com/' into proto='http', host='facebook.com', port='80', path='/'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| clientSetKeepaliveFlag: http_ver = 1.1
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.559| clientSetKeepaliveFlag: method = GET
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| client_side_request.cc(142) ClientRequestContext: 0x7f0fd1471ae8 ClientRequestContext constructed
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| client_side_request.cc(1322) doCallouts: Doing calloutContext->clientAccessCheck()
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access allow manager localhost'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking manager
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'manager'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'manager' is 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access deny manager'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking manager
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'manager'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'manager' is 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access deny !Safe_ports'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking !Safe_ports
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'Safe_ports'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'Safe_ports' is 1
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking CONNECT
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'CONNECT'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'CONNECT' is 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access allow localhost'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking localhost
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'localhost'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclIpMatchIp: '[2001:6f8:1c2c:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea]:43171' NOT found
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'localhost' is 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access allow ProxyServer'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLList::matches: checking ProxyServer
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'ProxyServer'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ipcache_gethostbyname: 'facebook.com', flags=1
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| idnsALookup: buf is 30 bytes for facebook.com, id = 0xb39c
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| comm_udp_sendto: Attempt to send UDP packet to [2001:4860:4860::8844]:53 using FD 5 using Port 52660
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclMatchAcl: Can't yet compare 'ProxyServer' ACL for 'facebook.com'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'ProxyServer' is 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| ACLChecklist::asyncInProgress: 0x7f0fd1475898 async set to 1
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.560| aclmatchAclList: async=1 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=1 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.599| idnsRead: starting with FD 5
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.599| idnsRead: FD 5: received 58 bytes from [2001:4860:4860::8844]:53
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.599| idnsGrokReply: ID 0xb39c, 1 answers
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.599| idnsGrokReply: facebook.com AAAA query done. Configured to retrieve A now also.
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.599| comm_udp_sendto: Attempt to send UDP packet to [2001:4860:4860::8844]:53 using FD 5 using Port 52660
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| idnsRead: starting with FD 5
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| idnsRead: FD 5: received 46 bytes from [2001:4860:4860::8844]:53
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| idnsGrokReply: ID 0x32d, 1 answers
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcacheParse: facebook.com #0 [2a03:2880:2110:df07:face:b00c:0:1]
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcacheParse: facebook.com #1
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcacheParse: facebook.com #0 [2a03:2880:2110:df07:face:b00c:0:1]
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcacheParse: facebook.com #1
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcacheRelease: Releasing entry for 'facebook.com'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACLChecklist::asyncInProgress: 0x7f0fd1475898 async set to 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access allow ProxyServer'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACLList::matches: checking ProxyServer
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'ProxyServer'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ipcache_gethostbyname: 'facebook.com', flags=1
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| aclIpMatchIp: '[2a03:2880:2110:df07:face:b00c:0:1]' NOT found
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| aclIpMatchIp: '' NOT found
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'ProxyServer' is 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning false (AND list entry failed to match)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| aclmatchAclList: async=0 nodeMatched=0 async_in_progress=0 lastACLResult() = 0 finished() = 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACLChecklist::preCheck: 0x7f0fd1475898 checking 'http_access deny TestNet'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACLList::matches: checking TestNet
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.639| ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'TestNet'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| aclIpMatchIp: '[2001:6f8:1c2c:0:68a9:e0da:c29a:1eea]:43171' found
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| ACL::ChecklistMatches: result for 'TestNet' is 1
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| aclmatchAclList: 0x7f0fd1475898 returning true (AND list satisfied)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| ACLChecklist::markFinished: 0x7f0fd1475898 checklist processing finished
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| ACLChecklist::check: 0x7f0fd1475898 match found, calling back with 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| ACLChecklist::checkCallback: 0x7f0fd1475898 answer=0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| The request GET http://facebook.com/ is DENIED, because it matched 'TestNet'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| storeCreateEntry: 'http://facebook.com/'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| store.cc(360) StoreEntry: new StoreEntry 0x7f0fd147a820
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| MemObject.cc(76) MemObject: new MemObject 0x7f0fd147a8a0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| storeKeyPrivate: GET http://facebook.com/
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::hashInsert: Inserting Entry 0x7f0fd147a820 key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::setReleaseFlag: '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::lock: key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F' count=2
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::replaceHttpReply: http://facebook.com/
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| InvokeHandlers: 18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::InvokeHandlers: checking client #0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| storeComplete: '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| storeEntryValidLength: Checking '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| InvokeHandlers: 18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::InvokeHandlers: checking client #0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::unlock: key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F' count=1
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| clientStreamRead: Calling 1 with cbdata 0x7f0fd1474b50 from node 0x7f0fd14711e8
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| store_client::copy: 18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F, from 0, for length 4096, cb 1, cbdata 0x7f0fd1473a98
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| storeClientCopy2: 18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| store_client::doCopy: Copying normal from memory
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| ZPH: Preserving TOS on miss, TOS=0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| The reply for GET http://facebook.com/ is ALLOWED, because it matched 'TestNet'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| StoreEntry::lock: key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F' count=2
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| clientReplyContext::sendMoreData: Appending 0 bytes after 224 bytes of headers
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| clientStreamCallback: Calling 1 with cbdata 0x7f0fd1473970 from node 0x7f0fd146fc58
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| commio_finish_callback: called for FD 9 (0, 11)
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.640| client_side_reply.cc(1037) storeOKTransferDone: storeOKTransferDone  out.offset=0 objectLen()=224 headers_sz=224
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| ClientSocketContext::keepaliveNextRequest: FD 9
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| clientStreamDetach: Detaching node 0x7f0fd14711e8
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| Freeing clientStreamNode 0x7f0fd14711e8
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| httpRequestFree: http://facebook.com/
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| StoreEntry::unlock: key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F' count=1
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| clientStreamAbort: Aborting stream with tail 0x7f0fd146fc58
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| clientStreamDetach: Detaching node 0x7f0fd146fc58
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| client_side_request.cc(130) ~ClientRequestContext: 0x7f0fd1471ae8 ClientRequestContext destructed
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| clientStreamDetach: Calling 1 with cbdata 0x7f0fd1474b50
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| Freeing clientStreamNode 0x7f0fd146fc58
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| storeUnregister: called for '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| storePendingNClients: returning 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| StoreEntry::unlock: key '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F' count=0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| storePendingNClients: returning 0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| storeRelease: Releasing: '18620A22ADA2558D3273E75EFC62970F'
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| store.cc(403) destroyStoreEntry: destroyStoreEntry: destroying 0x7f0fd147a828
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| store.cc(393) destroyMemObject: destroyMemObject 0x7f0fd147a8a0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| MemObject.cc(97) ~MemObject: del MemObject 0x7f0fd147a8a0
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| ClientSocketContext:: FD 9: calling conn->readNextRequest()
  2013/08/17 12:02:10.641| comm.cc(1207) commSetTimeout: FD 9 timeout 120
- this cache logs appears several time, I pasted only first request. 
+ this cache logs appears several time, I pasted only first request.
  I will be happy If I'm able to anwser any your question or provide more
  information about this bug.

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  ipv6 squid deny_info redirect loop

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