[Blueprint servercloud-r-openstack-grizzly] Openstack next steps

Chuck Short chuck.short at canonical.com
Sat Apr 6 12:00:53 UTC 2013

Blueprint changed by Chuck Short:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
- Release and package nova, glance, keystone, cinder, swift, horizon, quantum, and ceilometer for main: INPROGRESS
+ Release and package nova, glance, keystone, cinder, swift, horizon, quantum, and ceilometer for main: DONE
  MIR dependencies that need to be done for ceilometer: DONE
  SSL support openstack endpoints: DONE
  Apparmor profile for openstack projects: POSTPONED
  Make sure that vmware esxi works on ubuntu: POSTPONED
  Make sure libvirt-xen works on ubuntu openstack: DONE
  Make sure that XCP/Xenserver work on Ubuntu openstack: TODO
  Make sure that openstack works with postgresql (revisit db-common): DONE
  rabbitmq vs activemq vs zeromq vs qpid: POSTPONED
  Convert ubuntu CI lab to cutover to Openstack++ when we start planning to test: TODO
  Adding HA to CI testing: TODO
  Look at packaging Synaps contributed by Samsung: DONE
  Look at packaging Red Dwarf: DONE
  Look at packaging DNS as a service: DONE
  Look at Load Balancing as a service: DONE
  Look at NRPE Plugins Package: POSTPONED
  Convert ubuntu CI lab to cutover to Openstack++ when we start planning to test: TODO
  [zulcss] FTBFS from is missing binaries: DONE
  [zulcss] Remove nova-volume in Grizzly: DONE
  [ivoks] Test quantum on ARM: POSTPONED
  (Folsom->Grizzly) (Grizzly->HHHH) for the Ubuntu Devel release + Precise: TODO

Openstack next steps

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