[Blueprint servercloud-q-juju-charm-unit-tests] Juju Charm Unit Tests

Mark Mims mark.mims at canonical.com
Mon Oct 15 23:29:31 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Mark Mims:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
  documentation for unit tests: INPROGRESS
- write examples of unit tests on "flag-bearing charms": INPROGRESS
+ write examples of unit tests on "flag-bearing charms" (example charm): DONE
  [jimbaker] make 'jitsu run-tests' aware of error codes (Jitsu watch): INPROGRESS
  [jimbaker] improve charmtester logging information: DONE
  [hazmat] charm proof testing: DONE
- keep everything green: INPROGRESS
- [mark-mims] make charmtester easier to use one-off by anyone: INPROGRESS
+ keep everything green (ongoing task): DONE
+ [mark-mims] make charmtester easier to use one-off by anyone: DONE
  [mark-mims] make charmtester whitelist: DONE
  extend charm tools to help generate tests: POSTPONED
  run charmtester against maas environment: TODO

Juju Charm Unit Tests

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