[Blueprint servercloud-r-maas-next-steps] MAAS next steps

Andres Rodriguez andreserl at ubuntu-pe.org
Thu Nov 8 20:45:36 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Andres Rodriguez:

Whiteboard changed:
  User Stories:
  James is a user who wants to use MAAS to deploy OpenStack with juju
  charms. However, he needs features that are yet to be developed.
  Scott wants to be able to use the newer MAAS releases in precise or
  quantal because the newer one contains fixes he requires and are
  essential for him to do so. He needs to upgrade on precise.
  Test Plans:
  Release Note:
+ https://launchpad.net/maas/+milestone/12.10-stabilization
+ https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bugs?field.tag=qateam

MAAS next steps

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