[Blueprint servercloud-r-binfmtns] Namespace for binfmt?

Serge Hallyn serge.hallyn at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 5 18:00:46 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Serge Hallyn:

Work items set to:
Work items:
[cjwatson] write a formal userspace rationale for binfmt namespace: TODO
[stefan-bader-canonical] (or serge-hallyn) consider querying about a -o newinstance mount option to binfmt_misc filesystem (problem is how toI tie that to task doing exec): TODO
[serge-hallyn] talk to stefan-bader-canonical about possible ns implementation: TODO
[stefan-bader-canonical] consider implementing binfmt namespace: TODO
[serge-hallyn] add check to qemu-user-static postinst to not install 32/64 cross handlers: TODO

Namespace for binfmt?

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