[Blueprint servercloud-r-swiftmirrorsnapshots] Create Ubuntu Archive Snapshots swift-mirror

Dmitrijs Ledkovs launchpad at surgut.co.uk
Mon Nov 5 10:39:38 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Dmitrijs Ledkovs:

Whiteboard changed:
  see also: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/bibisect
  User Stories:
  Colin is pinged about a horrible and nasty bug in the installer. After performing a binary bisection across the whole archive over the past month, he narrows it down to a small amount of uploads. After testing images with binaries from those uploads, the bug is pin-pointed and fixed.
  CD/cloud images are build from a snapshot, instead of having their own
  Wasted bandwidth / disk-space.
  Test Plans:
  Release Note:
+ Session Notes:
+ How to do this?
+ - expensive on the public cloud
+ - potentially a lot of storage (i386, amd64 ~ 1TB during quantal)
+ - preserve signatures
+ - Ideally we want daily granularity for the tradeoffs
+ - as well as taking manual snapshots
+ - useful for cdimage building (actually a local mirror is already doing this for ISOs)
+ - this is pilot, test it for one cycle (due to resource constraints)
+ - keep a month at a time.....
+ - dbg symbols is a use-case (well, it is currently stored in a separate
+ archive with
+ - backup to launchpadlibrarian (use a smart-proxy as a fallback to
+ launchpadlibrarian)
+ - useful for full archive binary bisect
+ - avoiding cloud image and iso image skew
+ Workitems:
+ - use cases, costs, stake holders, solutions
+ - how much data does it grow?
+ - how is snapshot.debian.org is created?
+ see also http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21105/bibisect/

Create Ubuntu Archive Snapshots swift-mirror

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