[Blueprint servercloud-r-mysql] MySQL Roundtable
Clint Byrum
clint at fewbar.com
Sat Nov 3 18:56:46 UTC 2012
Blueprint changed by Clint Byrum:
Whiteboard changed:
Things to discuss:
* What to do about lack of unit tests in recent patch releases of MySQL
* MariaDB and Percona Server in the distro
* Upstream MariaDB and Pecona Server package compatibility w/ distro
* Synchronizing packaging between Ubuntu and Debian
* Collaboration on MySQL Juju charm
* Adding Galera Support to Packaging
* General HA solutions (Critical for OpenStack deployments)
* MySQL 5.6
* MySQL release schedule
User Stories:
Test Plans:
Release Note:
+ Notes from UDS session
+ Percona alongside MySQL in Ubuntu?
+ PS > 90% MySQL
+ PXC is 99% Percona Server + Galera
+ Flashcache - no widepread use.
+ May not be supported in Percona Server 5.6
+ Universe target for these packages....
+ Security preference is to only have one supported version....
+ MySQL Challenges
+ Some test cases are updated; but not all test cases are public.
+ May be possible to have a backchannel NDA discussion for this.
+ No policy change on identification of individual commits for security issues.
+ ... anything percona fixes will be made public - but in the same position with regards to mysql security fixes.
+ No backporting of percona in the same way as mysql due to this constraint - always move forwards in terms of minor versioning.
+ MySQL Updates
+ 5.6 target for 13.10 intime for 14.04 LTS release...
+ Work items:
+ [SpamapS] Package percona cluster server for Debian and Ubuntu: TODO
+ [SpamapS] Resolve delta between ubuntu and debian: TODO
+ [nryeng] Investigate packaging mysql cluster for Debian/Ubuntu: TODO
+ [clint-fewbar] Talk with nryeng about juju charm improvements: TODO
MySQL Roundtable
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