[Blueprint servercloud-q-arm-deployment] ARM Server Deployment

Robie Basak robie.basak at canonical.com
Thu May 31 16:59:17 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Robie Basak:

Whiteboard changed:
- http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-q-servercloud-arm-deployment
+ User Stories
+ Alice's new ARM server cluster has arrived and she has plugged it in.
+ She would like to take the charms that she has been testing in a third
+ party Openstack cluster and deploy them to her new ARM server cluster.
+ ARM servers are so new that Bob, a seasoned datacentre technician, does
+ not know how they work. But Bob does know how to use MAAS, because he
+ has been testing it using his Intel servers. This was easy for him
+ because he knows how PXE works. Bob would like MAAS on his ARM servers
+ so that he doesn't need to care about how the system management works
+ underneath.
+ Assumptions
+ ARM systems without system management via IPMI and U-Boot pxelinux
+ emulation are out of scope for this cycle.
+ ARM systems that we do not have hardware to test with at the start of
+ this cycle may not be able to be considered.
+ Test Plans
+ Charm testing on ARM hardware. This will exercise MAAS as well.
+ Release Note
+ MAAS now works on ARM! This also enables juju on ARM bare metal.
+ Notes:
+  What will the supported installation methods be for Q? Eg. netinst (manual), MAAS, dd an oem image, cloud image, ...?
+ Use cases:
+ First time by-hand install (how important?)
+ juju-based bare-metal deployment
+ OpenStack (important, but out of scope)
+ First time by-hand install:
+ netinst sufficient?
+ Mechanisms for the installer to install/configure U-Boot.
  -- Please can we document some goals, use cases and assumptions for the
  quantal release cycle and fill out the work items to support this
  activity [james-page]
  -- Please also include work items needed to enable MAAS following the
  template @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BlueprintSpec [a.rosales]

ARM Server Deployment

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