[Blueprint servercloud-q-juju-charmstore-maintenance] Juju Charm Store Maintenance

Clint Byrum clint at fewbar.com
Thu May 17 20:10:57 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Clint Byrum:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
- [clint-fewbar] Maintainer idea was almost universally accepted: TODO
- [clint-fewbar] update charm tools to support maintainer : TODO
- [clint-fewbar] assign maintainers to existing charms, everyone who committed to the charm pinged to see who will maintain it. : TODO
+ [clint-fewbar] update charm tools to support maintainer : DONE
+ [clint-fewbar] assign maintainers to existing charms, everyone who committed to the charm pinged to see who will maintain it. : INPROGRESS
  [clint-fewbar] Document orphan process. : TODO
  [negronjl] Promulgate should run "charm proof": TODO
  [jorge] Update documentation to reflect reality: TODO
  [jorge] Announce maintainer field requirement on the mailing list: TODO

Juju Charm Store Maintenance

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