[Blueprint servercloud-q-ceph-object-integration] Ceph Object Integration with OpenStack

Clint Byrum clint at fewbar.com
Thu May 17 16:15:49 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Clint Byrum:

Whiteboard set to:
Glance has supported ceph as a  a backend storage for the past couple of
releases of openstack. We should make it as easy as possible for users
to use ceph with glance. This could be an alternative for users who do
not want to setup for a full swift setup.


Upstream CEPH changed significantly just now.
keystone+ceph:  no good story here right now

Arch issues are bugs.

 - test both
 - current pref is xfs
Test two use cases
  - ceph rbd as backend to nova volume
  - ceph rbd as backend to glance
MIR for ceph
charm need to be updated to use the fix for indempotency
Update juju charms for ceph
Update the openstack-ci to include tests
Check status of libvirt+rbd
Regular Ceph updates in Ubuntu during dev cycle - latest Ceph in Beta 1
Investigate Ceph backport via Cloud archive
Find out the cuurent state of Ceph and glance (RBD backend)

Ceph Object Integration with OpenStack

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