[Blueprint servercloud-q-openstack-ha] OpenStack HA

Andres Rodriguez andreserl at ubuntu-pe.org
Wed May 16 16:07:41 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Andres Rodriguez:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
  [nijaba] Connect to Russel Bryant about RabbitMQ HA: TODO
  Update pacemaker: TODO
  Update corosync: TODO
  Update heartbeat: TODO
  Update openais: TODO
  Update RHCS: TODO
+ Update DRBD: TODO
  Track GlanceAPI, Glance Registry, Keystone RA's, and ensure they hit the archive.: TODO
  juju charm for pacemaker: TODO
  juju charm for corosync: TODO
  juju charms for DRBD (adam_g says it is impossible, SpampS seems it is possible): TODO
  MySQL HA juju charm: TODO
  Investigate HA for Horizon (memcached HA): TODO

OpenStack HA

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