[Blueprint servercloud-q-juju-charmstore-maintenance] Juju Charm Store Maintenance
Jorge O. Castro
jorge at ubuntu.com
Tue May 15 20:54:27 UTC 2012
Blueprint changed by Jorge O. Castro:
Whiteboard changed:
Everything has been copied to the Blueprint
-Juan ( negronjl )
Welcome to Ubuntu Developer Summit!
Avoiding charm store bitrot...
automated testing
- Assign maintainers to charms (metadata.yaml)
- Failing tests for period of time.
- - autofiles bug (puts in the "Big List" to be unpromulgated)
+ - autofiles bug (puts in the "Big List" to be unpromulgated)
Policy would be to not promote charm series until it's all green (i.e.,
no critical bugs)
Simplify writing tests:
make it easy for users to run their own tests... merge 'charm test' in
charm tools
- [clint-fewbar] Maintainer idea was almost universally accepted: TODO
- [negronjl] Promulgate should run "charm proof": TODO
- [clint-fewbar] update charm tools to support maintainer
- [clint-fewbar] assign maintainers to existing charms, everyone who committed to the charm pinged to see who will maintain it.
- [clint-fewbar] Document orphan process.
Juju Charm Store Maintenance
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