[Blueprint servercloud-q-juju-charm-best-practices] Juju Charm Best practices
Jorge O. Castro
jorge at ubuntu.com
Tue May 15 14:18:10 UTC 2012
Blueprint changed by Jorge O. Castro:
Whiteboard changed:
* charm-tools -- charm proof should do everything it can to statically analyze and guide users
* man pages are needed sorely
* charm-helpers -- Gather tools which are useful for sharing between many charms
* python helpers have been proposed, but blocked up on needing to package some extra python deps
* Policy -- Policy is somewhat loose, just listed on https://juju.ubuntu.com/Charms
* Should be useful information for writing charms, not just "rules"
* Perhaps this should be moved into a versioned RST inside charm-tools?
charm best practices:
aka. "Charm tools all the things!"
- time to be opinionated?
+ time to be opinionated?
alternatively point to more example charms?
also juju best practices:
- this is really a charm best-practice for now... flag-bearing charms should include a _good_ readme.
- (see lp:charms/hadoop for an example)
+ this is really a charm best-practice for now... flag-bearing charms should include a _good_ readme.
+ (see lp:charms/hadoop for an example)
***** run charm proof before submitting *****
use charm helpers
- ===========
- [jorge] Pick better example charms, "flagbearer charms".
- [jorge] Choose a single place for presenting flagbearer charms (charm browser?)
- [mark-mims] (and individual maintainers!) clean up existing charms wrt best practices
- [clint-fewbar] Comment and add links to docs in 'charm create' templates
- [hazmat] incorporate output of charm proof into charm browser
- [jorge] Move rules and charm best practices into docs.
- [jorge] Add Maintainer field information to documents.
- [clint-fewbar] determine most likely maintainers based on bzr logs
- [jorge] Reach out to maintainers to get their maintainer firled filled out.
- [imbrandon] Reach out to maintainers to get their maintainer filled out.
- [marcoceppi] tag:juju review on AU and SE network
- [clint-fewbar] fix doc repos wrt (trunk, go, docs)
- [imbrandon] Put Doc instructions in the docs: http://askubuntu.com/q/52063
- [jcastro] pull "file bug" or "join the doc team" from other projects
- [hazmat] clear out trunk docs for juju
- [hazmat] make juju report on initial lxc image downloads ?
- [hazmat] make juju lxc use lxc networking instead of libvirt networking ?
- [jorge] Clarify documentention on what to expect when your using LXC and EC2. Cost, wait time, what you see, logs, downloading. "You should expect this to download 300 megs, etc." Here's a table of look here troubleshooting your LXC thing.
- [imbrandon] Clarify documentention on what to expect when your using LXC and EC2. Cost, wait time, what you see, logs, downloading. "You should expect this to download 300 megs, etc." Here's a table of look here troubleshooting your LXC thing.
- [clint-fewbar] juju in Debian! NOW!
- [jorge] Add docs work to patch pilot!! (AWWWWW YEAAAAAA!)
Juju Charm Best practices
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