[Blueprint servercloud-q-juju-integration] Juju Integration

Juan L. Negron negronjl at xtremeghost.com
Mon May 14 16:35:33 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Juan L. Negron:

Whiteboard changed:
  Juju will not live in isolation
  https://launchpad.net/juju-jitsu exists to enable these use cases
  Potential integration points:
  - Existing Puppet Deployments
   - Existing puppet subordinate charm promulgated yesterday
  - Existing Puppet Manifests
  - External Node Classifier
  - Capistrano / Fabric
    - jitsu capfile -> emits a capfile
    - capistrano subordinate?
  - Chef
  - SaltStack
  - REST API (lp:jrapi)
  other ways to integrate
  cookbooks on github
  how do you make a charm out of any of these?
+ Work Items:
+ [mark-mims] charm to deploy chef-server (maybe w sub like clint's puppet sub)
+ [mark-mims] charms that call chef solo recipes
+ "jujustrano"
+ [negronjl] go to town on clint's puppet sub ( puppetforge? ) ( add charm create option for puppet recipes )
+ define ways that capistrano would need to call Capistrano
+ [negronjl] jrapi as juju-jitsu subcommand... 'jitsu api'
+ [hazmat] export/import environment into juju-jitsu
+ use-cases for integration
+ how to make charms out of puppetforge modules / github cookbooks
+ plugin for chef-search to interface with juju (possibly just chef sub)
+ testing against euca and cloudstack
+ jenkins plugins for juju (anything other than charm-runner?)
+ vagrant integration to support local development story on osx
+ [mike-mcclurg] cloudstack integration
+ [imbrandon] investigate enstratus integration
+ related
+ best practices for juju at scale

Juju Integration

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