[Blueprint servercloud-q-juju-charm-best-practices] Juju Charm Best practices
Antonio Rosales
antonio at canonical.com
Fri Jun 22 00:09:54 UTC 2012
Blueprint changed by Antonio Rosales:
Whiteboard changed:
* charm-tools -- charm proof should do everything it can to statically analyze and guide users
* man pages are needed sorely
* charm-helpers -- Gather tools which are useful for sharing between many charms
* python helpers have been proposed, but blocked up on needing to package some extra python deps
* Policy -- Policy is somewhat loose, just listed on https://juju.ubuntu.com/Charms
* Should be useful information for writing charms, not just "rules"
* Perhaps this should be moved into a versioned RST inside charm-tools?
charm best practices:
aka. "Charm tools all the things!"
time to be opinionated?
alternatively point to more example charms?
also juju best practices:
this is really a charm best-practice for now... flag-bearing charms should include a _good_ readme.
(see lp:charms/hadoop for an example)
***** run charm proof before submitting *****
use charm helpers
- Please integrate the spec @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BlueprintSpec [a.rosales].
+ User Stories:
+ * Simon is new to the Charm community and woud like to charm his newest web service. He consults the best practices documentation and reviews example charms, man pages, and downloads charm tools to help him as he charms his web service for inclusion in the Charm Store.
+ Assumptions:
+ * Extra Python deps are available for charm-helpers.
+ Test Plans:
+ * Gather feedback from new Charmers on how the charm tools and best practice documentation helped them in the creation of Charms. Possibly gather this data at Charm schools.
+ Release Note:
+ * Provide information on where to get charm tools and read Charm best practices.
Juju Charm Best practices
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