[Blueprint servercloud-q-juju-charmstore-maintenance] Juju Charm Store Maintenance

Antonio Rosales antonio at canonical.com
Thu Jun 21 23:44:11 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Antonio Rosales:

Whiteboard changed:
  Everything has been copied to the Blueprint
  -Juan ( negronjl )
  Welcome to Ubuntu Developer Summit!
  Avoiding charm store bitrot...
  automated testing
  - Assign maintainers to charms (metadata.yaml)
  - Failing tests for period of time.
    - autofiles bug (puts in the "Big List" to be unpromulgated)
  Policy would be to not promote charm series until it's all green (i.e.,
  no critical bugs)
  Simplify writing tests:
  make it easy for users to run their own tests... merge 'charm test' in
  charm tools
- Please integrate the spec @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BlueprintSpec [a.rosales].
+ User Stories:
+ * Aaron is a Charm maintainer and has gotten notification that his Charm is currently failing automated testing. Using the Charm maintainer policy he reviews actions needed by him and gets his Charm back into a valid running state.
+ Assumptions:
+ * CharmTester has the ability to notify maintainers of failures.
+ * Bug(s) filed against a specific charm also have the correct mechanisms to notify Charm maintainers.
+ Test Plans:
+ *Run CharmTester and evaluate if appropriate notifications were sent to Charm maintainers for failing Charms.
+ Release Note:
+ * Provide pointers to charm maintainer policy, and possibly maintainers.

Juju Charm Store Maintenance

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