[Blueprint servercloud-q-arm-server] ARM Server general enhancements (for ARMv7 and perhaps v8)

Robbie Williamson robbie.williamson at canonical.com
Wed Jun 20 15:02:38 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Robbie Williamson:

Whiteboard changed:
  Please leave "drafter" set to ubuntu-server, as it allows us to track it
  throughout the release.
  Are there any work items associated with this blueprint? -a.rosales
  Information on integrating Blueprint spec integration into the
  whiteboard is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BlueprintSpec
+ Given this was "Informational" and the UDS session has occurred, I've
+ marked it complete.  -robbie.w

ARM Server general enhancements (for ARMv7 and perhaps v8)

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