[Blueprint servercloud-p-kronos] XCP Kronos support

Dave Walker davewalker at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 20 12:05:18 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by Dave Walker:

Whiteboard changed:
  Session Notes:
  - What is XCP and Kronos?
  - Current state of Project Kronos
  - Work remaining (porting and packaging)
  - Ubuntu next-steps?
  - Could we used clustered LVM instead of our own version? Perhaps, but we haven't investigated that yet.
  - Can we ship XCP's modified LVM with Ubuntu? Yes, it is conceivable that this could work. Some patches could even be upstreamed, but likely not all of them.
  - chuck.short at canonical.com
  - adamg at canonical.com
  - alex at seamicro.com
  - med at canonical.com
- [zulcss] Review blktap-dkms package: DONE
+ [zulcss]  Review blktap-dkms package: DONE
  Package Xen hypervisor OCaml packages: DONE
  xcp-eliloader uploaded to Debian: DONE
  blktap uploaded to Debian: DONE
  blktap-dkms uploaded to Debian: DONE
  xen-api-libs uploaded to Debian: DONE
  xcp-guest-packages uploaded to Debian: INPROGRESS
  xcp-storage-managers uploaded to Debian: INPROGRESS
  xcp-vncterm uploaded to Debian: INPROGRESS
  xcp-xapi uploaded to Debian: INPROGRESS
  Package XCP's LVM (optional): TODO
  Package XCP's multipathd (optional): TODO
  Package XCP's xsconsole (optional): TODO
- [davewalker] Initial sync xcp-eliloader from Debian sid: DONE
- [davewalker] Initial sync blktap from Debian Wheezy: DONE
- [davewalker] Initial sync blktap-dkms from Debian sid: DONE
+ [davewalker]  Initial sync xcp-eliloader from Debian sid: DONE
+ [davewalker]  Initial sync blktap from Debian Wheezy: DONE
+ [davewalker]  Initial sync blktap-dkms from Debian sid: DONE
  Note: The packages marked DONE are each somewhere between Debian Testing
  and having just been committed to Debian Sid. The packages marked
  INPROGRESS have been completed, and are being polished up so that we can
  upload them to Debian soon. Packages marked TODO have not been started
  (and are also low-priority extras).

XCP Kronos support

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