[Blueprint servercloud-p-cloud-image-testing] Ubuntu Server Cloud Image Testing

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 21 16:36:19 UTC 2012

Blueprint changed by James Page:

Whiteboard changed:
  Summary of Objectives for Precise
  1) Daily Smoke Testing of Ubuntu AMI's
  Triggered from cloud image query information.
  Should cover all images.
  Check that they boot.
  Verify each AMI once only.
  2) Daily AMI testing for the development release
  Precise should implement daily image testing using basic smoke test to ensure that the AMI is always usable during the development cycle.
  3) Daily Testing of Cloud Images
  In addition to the published AMI's, we should implement testing of the generic cloud images on the following cloud platforms:
      Eucalyptus Community Cloud?
  OpenStack - including KVM and LXC and Xen
      FreeCloud (NTT and RackSpace)?
  4) Full Testing of Release Ubuntu Images
  Automated testing will be built into the twice weekly image release publishing process and will cover:
    a) An initial smoke test
    b) Followed by full image testing
  Testing will likely be implemented using Jenkins and published to jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com.
  Full Notes from UDS-P session: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-p-servercloud-p
  Work items for precise-alpha-1:
  [james-page]   agree funding of daily AMI testing/cost modelling for justification: DONE
  setup daily testing for current development release: DONE
  Work items for precise-alpha-2:
  [utlemming]   update image promotion process to integrate with Jenkins automated testing: POSTPONED
  update testing framework to make use of spare ec2 time: POSTPONED
  investigate/implement automated reporting of test results to iso.qa.ubuntu.com: TODO
  Work items:
  setup smoke testing of previous ubuntu release images: DONE
- investigate options for testing ubuntu cloud images on freecloud/canonistack: TODO
+ investigate options for testing ubuntu cloud images on freecloud/canonistack: POSTPONED
  investigate options for testing ubuntu cloud images on eucalyptus: POSTPONED
- [james blair]   freecloud should get full arm servers and integrate: TODO
+ [james blair]   freecloud should get full arm servers and integrate: POSTPONED
  consider test of arm disk images or arm partition images in LXC: POSTPONED

Ubuntu Server Cloud Image Testing

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